Mutual Fund Sahi hai!
And it’s really easy to invest in them!
To many people, Mutual Funds can seem complicated or intimidating. We are going to try and simplify it for you at its very basic level. Essentially, the money pooled in by a large number of people (or investors) is what makes up a Mutual Fund. This fund is managed by a professional fund manager. In mutual funds, the research is done by experts as a professional fund manager is tasked with managing the pool of investment.
It is a trust that collects money from a number of investors who share a common investment objective. Then, it invests the money in equities, bonds, money market instruments and/or other securities. Each investor owns units, which represent a portion of the holdings of the fund. The income/gains generated from this collective investment is distributed proportionately amongst the investors after deducting certain expenses, by calculating a scheme’s “Net Asset Value or NAV.
For investments related to long-term goals such as retirement, children’s higher education or wedding, both mutual funds companies offer investment products. In mutual funds, children’s funds and retirement funds are classified as solution-oriented funds, which manage about Rs 30,000 crore of investor money, according to data from the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI).
Benefits of Investing in Mutual funds with SSG
- Personalized services – Sai SSG Group provides you a personalized mutual fund service where you can get advice on all types of mutual fund investments. A dedicated team of professionals understands all your requirements for investing in mutual funds and then suggests you the best suitable plan for you. Apart from that the team also looks after your mutual fund investments and regularly advices you on any changes and modifications too.
- Services to all (Retail to HNI) - Sai SSG Group values each relationship closely and provides necessary attention to each client. Whether you may be a retail investor looking for a regular monthly sip of few thousand or you may be an HNI who wishes to park some part of his portfolio into a mutual fund, a Sai SSG Group provides services to each type of customer.
- Risk Profiling - Risk profiling is one of the key elements where we ascertain your risk appetite and advice you on the type of mutual fund you should invest in. Risk profiling enables us to advice you on various types of mutual funds. Each mutual fund carries risk level which gives an idea about the profits and losses arising out of the mutual fund. If a person who has very low risk-taking capacity is advised to take mutual fund with low risk profile. Similarly, when a person with moderate risk may choose a mutual fund which has blend of stocks with high as well as low risk stocks. Risk profiling ensures you to get the best possible mutual fund for your purpose.
- Goal-Based Advice – We provide you advice on mutual funds according to the aims and goals which you wish to achieve over a longer period of time. People invest in mutual funds to safeguard their hard-earned money and use it after a period of time for a particular purpose like retirement, marriage, home down payment, education of children etc. We provide you best-curated advice in a mutual fund.
- Investment expertise for Mutual funds – Investing in Mutual funds requires considerable expertise and experience. Our dedicated team will ensure all your queries are handled related to a mutual fund. The team also consists of the research team which looks after all the mutual funds and monitors all the mutual funds on regular basis to spot the best opportunities in the mutual fund space.